Jon Meech
Chief Executive Officer
I have volunteered in numerous capacities throughout my life, but currently, I give my time helping heritage projects where I can use some of my practical skills.
Alex Birkett
Senior Project Co-ordinator
Volunteering has connected me to so many wonderful people and it's really encouraging to see people's enthusiasm for giving back to their community. I love getting stuck in with our outdoor work and helping teams to cook for our community partners.
Colin Gordon
Corporate Relationship Manager
I have been involved in volunteering in London since 2015 and despite my advanced years, I am constantly energised by the enthusiasm demonstrated by the many volunteer teams I am lucky enough to work with.
I particularly enjoy being engaged with volunteering in community gardens and kitchens where so many vulnerable groups are directly benefiting from the efforts of the kind souls who run these facilities.
Lee Milliam
Charity Relationship & Fundraising Manager
I really like it when people challenge themselves and do something they would not normally do in their daily work. I see how a small challenge can work towards building confidence and self-esteem.
View on LinkedInHayley Colman
Senior Project Manager
The projects I most enjoy are those involving cooking for and spending time with older communities.
View on LinkedIn View on LinkedInGeorgia Howlett
Media & Communications Lead
Volunteering has helped me find a sense of belonging in London, a city that can feel anonymous at times! Currently, I volunteer as a Creative Writing Mentor for children, which has proven both rewarding and inspiring. It is a pleasure to support volunteers into similarly rewarding opportunities that invest in London’s community.
View on LinkedInTanglewest Douglas
Community Day Team Leader
The first time I volunteered I was nine years old. It was for a campaign to help keep my local library open. When we were successful, it was so empowering to know I had made a difference in my community. I have been lucky enough to be able to volunteer for many different causes since then and I am constantly impressed by what a dedicated team of volunteers can achieve. My specialism now is in ecology, conservation, and environmental law. I love spending time in green and blue spaces, enjoying the surprising diversity of life that can be found around London.
View on LinkedInAddison DiChiera
Environmental Project Lead
Ever since moving to London, I have fallen in love with the city, including all of its hidden nooks and beautiful greenspaces. I am always inspired by the ways in which something as simple as a small community garden can bring folks of so many different backgrounds, identities and experiences together. Grassroots organising is my ultimate passion, where I have witnessed ordinary people come together in large numbers and harness collective power to foster positive change.
View on LinkedInGeorgina George
Finance Manager
I have been involved in a number of charities over the years, either in a professional capacity or as a volunteer. There is nothing like working in and for the community and to feel part of something that is more than the sum of our individual selves. HandsOn London enables this for all the volunteers and the communities who connect through its various projects. My role as Finance Manager does not always involve leading volunteer groups, but when I can, I particularly enjoy the cooking and gardening projects!
View on LinkedInKamela Dollani
Finance Officer
When not working, I enjoy conservation activities such as planting flowers to attract the bees and creating new habitats for insects.
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